Jo's News and Views No 10 October 2022
Hello Everyone.
Well, October started out beautifully, giving us warm sunny halcyon days for us to enjoy. Then the rain we all said we needed arrived and I don't think it's stopped. Storm Claudio hit our shores and the strong winds caused disruption across the country but the gardens at Myddelton escaped without too much damage.
So let me take you back to those sunny days at the beginning of the month. The Front Lawn is always welcoming and I have included three different views and I hope you enjoy them all, photos 1, 2 and 3. On the edge of the lawn is this lovely Berberis 'Georgei', photo 4. It was completely dripping with berries which I am sure the birds will enjoy as it gets colder.
Near the Wisteria Bridge is this statuesque Colletia paradoxa, photo 5. It comes from South America and in Brazil it is considered endangered due to habitat loss. It's common name is the Anchor plant because of the way the flattened triangles protrude from the stem, photo 6. The small flowers it produces are very fragrant and are pollinated by insects, photo 7.
Walking into the Kitchen Garden through the archway I stop to admire the colour of the leaves of the Blueberry plants, photo 8. Opposite these pots in the Peach House there was a lovely display of pumpkins, photo 9. Outside the Coldframes were undergoing some much needed repairs, photo 10. Many parts of the original cold frame structure from Mr Bowles's time are still in place.
There was a lot to enjoy in the Glasshouses. The succulents have been brought back in from their summer holiday on the wall along the Tulip Terrace, photo 11. In the next area the Haemanthus albiflos, known as the Paintbrush plant, was blooming, photo 12. Then next door the Aristolochia grandiflora, known as dutchman's pipe, was taking centre stage, photo 13. It has such an unusual flower, photo 14. Then looking back you have a chance to enjoy all the delights found here, photo 15. Outside was this beautiful clump of Marigolds, photo 16. A very beneficial plant to have in the Kitchen Garden.
Walking along the New River Lawn I stopped to enjoy the display of dahlias and rudbeckias that have been flowering all summer, photo 17. Nearby was this area of Crocus speciosus flowering, photo 18. They are all around the garden and are smaller than the Colchicum autumnale but as delightful in every way.
On the lawn beyond the Pond is this Liquidambar styraciflua, commonly called Sweetgum, photo 19. It is in the perfect position for the sun to turn its leaves these wonderful shades of red. In the yard at the back of the house are the wonderful Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood', a 'Raywood' Ash tree, photo 20. At this time of year they are in their element showing the other trees how to put on a show. I am so pleased I took these photos when I did as the following week Storm Claudio stripped all the leaves from the trees.
Walking across the drive I wandered around the Arboretum. There were some new acers planted earlier in the year which are a welcome addition, photo 21. Also here is this young Pinus montezumae 'Sheffield Park', which has put on a growth spurt this summer and is now beginning to fill out, photo 22. In the car park this Acer griseum was sparkling in the sunshine, photo 23. I always enjoy looking at the seeds hanging on the branches, photo 24. They are known as helicopters and each have a pair of wings that allow it to spiral down and plant itself in the soil below.
For my fauna section this month I have some bird photos to share with you. First of all is this delightful Robin, photo 25. It had found a puddle on the path which was just the right depth for him to take a bath, photo 26. Next I watched this Pied Wagtail at the back of the house, photo 27, looking for insects. Then finally my all time favourite bird, the majestic Red Kite, photo 28, just using the wind to float over the garden.
I hope you have enjoyed this wander around the garden with me.
Best Wishes