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Jo's News and Views No2 February 2023

Hello Everyone

Spring is here but the weather is causing us problems again. February was the driest for 30 years so I wonder how soon they will introduce a hosepipe ban ?? Hopefully Nature will do her best to help the plants and trees survive.

But less "doom and gloom" because Spring has arrived and the flowers in the garden are looking beautiful.

First of all we have the snowdrops. The proper name is Galanthus followed by the different species name of which there are hundreds. I do not know the individual names so I will just let you enjoy the photos, 1 to 7.

Also, around the garden are crocuses, photo 8. They have spread across the lawns creating carpets of lilac/purple everywhere. In the Rock Garden the scilla is just beginning to open so expect more photos of them next month, photo 9.

On the south side of the Pond is this beautiful Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane', Witch hazel, photo 10. It has a spicy scent and incredible spidery flowers, photo 11. Another Witch hazel nearby is this equally beautiful Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena', photos 12 and 13.

In the Pergola garden is this lovely Chaenomeles speciosa 'Nivalis', photo 14. I found it very difficult to capture the beauty of this shrub so you'll have to take my word that it is stunning in real life!

On the drive is this Cornus mas, a Cornelian cherry, photo 15. I think it is totally overlooked here as you don't see it on the way in and quite often drive by with just a glimpse of it on the way out. The tree looks like a cloud of yellow but on closer inspection the 'cloud' is made up of tiny yellow flowers, photo 16. Also here throughout the Arboretum are these lovely daffodils, photo 17. More of these next month too.

Another favourite flower of mine is the Hellebore. You really have to lift the flower up to see the beauty that lies within. Best grown on a bank or raised bed so you can enjoy them properly. They are all around the garden and here are some of the best ones, photos 18 to 21.

Also spreading around the garden are the delightful Eranthis hyemalis, Winter Aconites, photo 22. They are quite often used as under planting beneath large shrubs and roses to provide winter interest. Their bright yellow flowers are a welcome sight on a dull day.

Finally the Pond, photo 23. The borders are perfectly reflected in the still surface of the water.

Now for my Fauna round up for the month. My thanks go to Paige Harmes for spotting these delightful creatures and allowing me to share them with you. We have a Frog, photo 24, a tiny Froglet, photo 25, a Newt, photo 26 and a huge spider, photo 27.

I hope you have enjoyed this selection of spring flowers, more next month.

Best Wishes



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