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Jo's September 2021 News and Views

Hello Everyone

I hope you've all enjoyed the spells of lovely weather through September. The garden is looking lovely and waiting for the Autumn colours to arrive. So let's enjoy the delights I found this month.

On the edge of the Front Lawn is this beautiful Prunus serrula, or Tibetan cherry, photo 1. Grown for its ornamental bark, which is a coppery-red colour, it is a favourite found in many gardens. I love the way the sunlight is highlighting the branches through the diminishing leaves as Autumn approaches. Also on the Front Lawn and elsewhere around the garden were these stunning Colchicums, photo 2. Known as Autumn crocus they are a sure sign that Autumn is on its way. In the first bed at the front of the house are several Ricinus communis, known as Caster Oil plant, photo 3. A welcome addition to any border.

Along the path to the left of the pond is this beautiful Betula pendula, the Silver Birch tree, photo 4. This tree was planted in 2009 to celebrate the winning of the Heritage Lottery Grant. The grant meant that the restoration could now go ahead. The Pond itself continues to evolve and looks bigger now, photo 5. At the far end of the pond is this scattering of Cyclamen hederifolium, or Ivy-leaved cyclamen. This is a very robust Autumn flowering cyclamen that will appear year after year in the garden, photo 6.

Next I made my way to the Glasshouses, photo 7, 8 and 9. It's been so long since I walked through them so I enjoyed my visit. The Aristolochia, or Dutchman's pipe, has flowered well this year, photo 10. It has the most extraordinary flowers which never cease to amaze me. Also in flower was the Haemanthus albiflos, given the common name of Paintbrush for obvious reasons and the Aeschynanthus 'Hot Flash', photo 11. Nearby was the Beaucarnea recurvata, or Elephant's foot palm. It looked as though it was guarding the precious contents of the glasshouse, photo 12.

In the Kitchen Garden the huge bed of sunflowers were a welcome sight for everyone. Steph has planted a wonderful array of colours, shapes and sizes here, photos 13. I was amazed when I realised that both flowers were on the same multi head stem, photo 14, so beautiful. Also here were the nasturtiums, photo 15. With the sunlight behind them the colours were stunning.

Salvias have been planted In the bed along side the New River Lawn . This one, Salvia 'Amistad', photo 16, is one of my favourites and ideal at the back of a border.

Walking around the Pond I stopped to admire the Cortaderia selloana which, of course, we all know as Pampas Grass! It always looks its best at this time of year, photo 17. The Taxodium distichum, or Swamp cypress, in the background is still a verdant green so not ready for Autumn yet. Along the path I noticed that the Holly tree was absolutely smothered in berries, photo 18. When I was growing up this was a sign that we were in for a hard winter but with climate changes I wonder if that is still the case or the result of the generous rain and sunshine we've had through the summer. I will have to wait and see.

In front of the Old Conservatory the clump of Kniphofia, Red Hot Pokers, were standing to attention and catching everyone's eye as they walked past, photo 19.

So on to my fauna selection. First of all the Honey bees are still busy in the garden enjoying the roses and the phacelia, photos 20 and 21. The only butterfly to settle long enough for me to take a photo of it was this Large White, photo 22. When I was in the Kitchen Garden I noticed this Ringed-necked parakeet enjoying the sunflowers as much as I did, photo 23. Then finally the loggery for the Stag Beetles has received a make over, photo 24. No guests yet but we are hopeful for next year.

I hope you have enjoyed this wander through the garden with me.

Best Wishes



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